Going to leave the forums open for now. I purchased a very nice theme for the site and I think a lot of you will like it. It's exactly as I've had in mind for quite some time. If you've ever heard of it, it's called REKT by themehouse. You can search it in Google if you want a better idea. Though I customized it quite a bit and changed the colors to match a darkish blue and orange vibe. I think it looks good. There's not that much left to do but it needs to be done right and needs a bit more time.
The board will go down sometime tomorrow afternoon for about 4-6 hours tops and then no more down time. After this we will be set to go for a very good amount of time. I plan to keep things rolling for a long time on Mind Piff and I'm glad to have anyone who wants to join aboard. I will leave the site up for now.
Thank you
The board will go down sometime tomorrow afternoon for about 4-6 hours tops and then no more down time. After this we will be set to go for a very good amount of time. I plan to keep things rolling for a long time on Mind Piff and I'm glad to have anyone who wants to join aboard. I will leave the site up for now.
Thank you