I've decided that facebook chat may be a good thing to have on the site but I prefer a chat app I can stick up in the navigation that could be like a pop-out and be an actual chatroom. I already have one that works with this current version of the software but I'm preparing to upgrade the site to a medium version upgrade 2.x or 2.1 so I would need to renew my updates for it. I plan to do that soon. Give me some time and you will see "chat" appear in the navigation. When you click it the chat will become a pop-out window instead of directing away from the page. Your site name will be the same in the chat and so forth.
Will keep you posted. Most likely will remain that way in the coming days. Since the site is preparing for a medium version upgrade we'll have to wait and see when I implement it~TopSilver
Will keep you posted. Most likely will remain that way in the coming days. Since the site is preparing for a medium version upgrade we'll have to wait and see when I implement it~TopSilver