Guys we had users signing up every day on vBulletin but for some reason on Xenforo we can't get search engine traffic. Whether they are blocking out traffic or not may be up for debate but at least on a solid software such as VB we can get users coming to the site.
You may need to reset your password. This is a one-time issue that will never happen again. Simply go to forgot password and have them send it to your email.
All I can say is we had people signing up from forum promotion but I'm not going to work so hard like this and let it be a waste of time. I actually think they were blocking traffic but as to not upset the community I'll sternly give my opinion as up for debate.
Anyways at least we will get members now because that's how you start communities. Communities don't start unless the traffic picks up. With vBulletin at least we have that. We are currently on vBulletin 5 but good news is vBulletin 6 released so we may move to that later. If that happens you will not need to reset your password again.
I am completely sorry for the password reset requirement but I look to a bright future with finally people on MyCafeTalk.
We lost around 2,500 posts just because I didn't have the money to migrate and restored a backup but this is only because I don't ever plan to waste my own time or yours ever again. We are on this software official. No changes will be made any longer. I've tried and tried and dealt with Xenforo and I won't let their un-professionalism waste my time any longer.
We have around 12,500 posts currently where we set but when you see what I meant by this and get a chance to watch us grow you may also suspect some foul play from Xenforo ltd. Once again I don't assume and the real reason why users weren't landing on the site is beyond me. Up for debate once again but I won't let it happen over again.
I plan to get this site going on a fair playing field now. Wasting your and my time would have been worse if we stayed on that software then if we switched. We may have took a 2,500 post loss but what matters is we have a fair chance to get big since search engine traffic is able to reach us. Either way, whether or not there is foul play involved I'd like to let you know regardless and even if it was just the search engines preference, we do see a substantial traffic increase. So please do not judge just because even if search engines just didn't like mycafetalk when we were using Xenforo, at least we are seeing drastic improvements.
That's really all I have to say and I want to thank all the members who have contributed. Thank you so much as well as any past moderators. Laifot and Nagato who I plan on making moderator again, I want to cordially thank you with all my heart. If you are new join the fun and sign up. Thanks.
~ TopSilver (MyCafeTalk Founder)
You may need to reset your password. This is a one-time issue that will never happen again. Simply go to forgot password and have them send it to your email.
All I can say is we had people signing up from forum promotion but I'm not going to work so hard like this and let it be a waste of time. I actually think they were blocking traffic but as to not upset the community I'll sternly give my opinion as up for debate.
Anyways at least we will get members now because that's how you start communities. Communities don't start unless the traffic picks up. With vBulletin at least we have that. We are currently on vBulletin 5 but good news is vBulletin 6 released so we may move to that later. If that happens you will not need to reset your password again.
I am completely sorry for the password reset requirement but I look to a bright future with finally people on MyCafeTalk.
We lost around 2,500 posts just because I didn't have the money to migrate and restored a backup but this is only because I don't ever plan to waste my own time or yours ever again. We are on this software official. No changes will be made any longer. I've tried and tried and dealt with Xenforo and I won't let their un-professionalism waste my time any longer.
We have around 12,500 posts currently where we set but when you see what I meant by this and get a chance to watch us grow you may also suspect some foul play from Xenforo ltd. Once again I don't assume and the real reason why users weren't landing on the site is beyond me. Up for debate once again but I won't let it happen over again.
I plan to get this site going on a fair playing field now. Wasting your and my time would have been worse if we stayed on that software then if we switched. We may have took a 2,500 post loss but what matters is we have a fair chance to get big since search engine traffic is able to reach us. Either way, whether or not there is foul play involved I'd like to let you know regardless and even if it was just the search engines preference, we do see a substantial traffic increase. So please do not judge just because even if search engines just didn't like mycafetalk when we were using Xenforo, at least we are seeing drastic improvements.
That's really all I have to say and I want to thank all the members who have contributed. Thank you so much as well as any past moderators. Laifot and Nagato who I plan on making moderator again, I want to cordially thank you with all my heart. If you are new join the fun and sign up. Thanks.
~ TopSilver (MyCafeTalk Founder)