Ladies and gentlemen I could never ask for a better software. I invested in a theme and I also bought Invision Power Board along with the pages app so I can work on laying out the site to the best of my ability.
This website is going to go a long ways. As you can see I'm still getting the hang of how it all works. The users online guests, members, etc counts should come back soon along with different features we never had before. This cost me $400 and while we were using a different software that wasn't as good in my opinion is why I switched.
I can't use vBulletin because the add-ons are slim and few. I instead chose invision because of how professional it is and I am extremely excited. Sign up if your new we are going to rock this many days ahead. Sign up if your a rock star!
This website is going to go a long ways. As you can see I'm still getting the hang of how it all works. The users online guests, members, etc counts should come back soon along with different features we never had before. This cost me $400 and while we were using a different software that wasn't as good in my opinion is why I switched.
I can't use vBulletin because the add-ons are slim and few. I instead chose invision because of how professional it is and I am extremely excited. Sign up if your new we are going to rock this many days ahead. Sign up if your a rock star!