Very sad news! They've found some bodies already :( rip to those who have died.
I love coming back to a game that's constantly being upgraded and always has cool new features to enjoy. This is why I love Disney Speedstorm as they update it monthly.
Every couple of months Disney Speedstorm rolls out new characters and race tracks.
Elf is good. I love that one because of Bob Newhart and James Caan. There has always been talk about possibly doing a sequel but it ends up just being talk and that's all :(
The Nightmare Before Christmas is definitely an amazing movie! It has a great cast!
Nightmare on Elm Street is another good one. I preferred the Halloween remakes over the original.
When you go to the supermarket do you do one big shop or several small shops each week? We do one big shop on a Monday and just go whenever we need one or two things.