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The Hulk's latest activity

  • The Hulk
    So long as we don't have cats mixed with dogs! There's already a show called CatDog and I don't want that to be a real thing! :p
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk replied to the thread Anyone watch Game of Thrones?.
    I've tried so many times to watch it but never can get interested. I even tried the House of the Dragon show and couldn't get interested.
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk replied to the thread What's the last drink you had?.
    I had a vanilla thick shake. Vanilla is my favorite flavor of milkshake/thick shake even if people say I'm boring!
  • The Hulk
    I always stay on my mobile data on my phone even at home as it's fast enough and I never run out! If I took my laptop out with me...
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk replied to the thread Shows you are waiting for.
    The Harry Potter series will be cool if they get the right cast. I wasn't too happy with the rumors for Snape.
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk posted the thread Disney Speedstorm in Gaming Chat.
    https://disneyspeedstorm.com/ One of my favorite games and it's available on many platforms including mobile, computer and console. I...
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk replied to the thread Free or Premium Software?.
    I always used to love free software but it's so limited. I've loved using Xenforo so will continue to use that.
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk replied to the thread Forums in Wordpress.
    If I was to do a blog I would be very interested in trying an add-on which integrates WordPress with Xenforo. I'm not sure on the price...
  • The Hulk
    There's a Xenforo theme company called Dohtheme which I've got my current theme from. It was hard to choose because they have so many...
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk replied to the thread Subscription and Rent.
    I get Netflix for free through my mobile/broadband provider. I like that it's an added incentive with them. I get a discount on another...
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk replied to the thread Horror Movies.
    I really enjoy slashers such as the Terrifier series. I also love Nightmare on Elm Street.
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk replied to the thread Lucifer.
    I've seen some episodes and I will watch the whole series sometime. Tom is an awesome actor!
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk replied to the thread What console do you use?.
    I only ever really play one game and then sometimes play Lego games so i haven't done a lot of gaming on it. But it's been good the time...
  • The Hulk
    Are you a fan of the live action remakes Disney do for their animated movies? I enjoyed the Aladdin one! I'm looking forward to Snow...
  • The Hulk
    The Hulk reacted to TopSilver's post in the thread Place to discuss movies and TV with Love Love.
    Thank you for the suggestion. I am very satisfied with how many changes turned out. I did a bit of re-organizing and added a movies, tv...