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Recent content by Sir Twisted

  1. S

    What did you last watch?

    RE: What did you last watch? You really should watch it, it's quite literally a blast from the past in certain aspects of the movies.
  2. S

    Last post wins!

    I am going to win this for sure.
  3. S

    Game you really want to play from the retro days?

    RE: Game you really want to play from the retro days? I would love to play the warriors game that I used to play on the original xbox, but I am sooo happy they are bringing back Destroy All Humans.
  4. S

    Love the forums!

    Love the forums!
  5. S

    Anyone interested on game designing

    RE: Anyone interested on game designing Seems rather interesting what you're planning, Can't say I could be of any help unfortunately.. nonetheless, please do keep us update on the direction you take with this.
  6. S

    Anyone still browse around MSN.com?

    RE: Anyone still browse around MSN.com? I've not been on MSN in a very very long time, but the real question is..does anyone remember bebo?
  7. S

    Experience a website hacking?

    RE: Experience a website hacking? Early into my website running, I was hacked, I have to admit it was so stressful, time consuming and utterly devastating as even though I created backups the .zips were corrupted. Needless to say I learnt my lesson.
  8. S

    Concept art?

    RE: Concept art? unfortunately I don't have any to share, but I too would love to see any user ideas of what the next gen would look like.
  9. S

    PS5 is set to look like this!

    RE: PS5 is set to look like this! Personally don't mind it, will be going with the Xbox x, but I must say, if a consoles appearance influences you decision on buying a console, why bother gaming.
  10. S

    5 People With Super Powers Caught on Tape

    RE: 5 People With Super Powers Caught on Tape Paranormal can be a hit or miss, especially when it comes to spiritual seeings and poltergeist, however, I am not ruling out the possibilities that in some circumstances things like these can occur, depending if you believe that or not.
  11. S

    What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown?

    RE: What are doing to keep yourself fit during the lockdown? Personally I don't do much, however, I do participate in my partners zumba styled workouts!
  12. S

    Top 10 Signs of Alien Life Caught On Camera

    RE: Top 10 Signs of Alien Life Caught On Camera Very interesting share, I've been watching a lot of conspiracy videos as of recently and some of which revolves around this topic.
  13. S

    Do you do your own maintence?

    RE: Do you do your own maintence? I do most of the easy stuff when it comes to my vehicle maintenance, I wish I could learn to change my break pads and discs though.
  14. S

    Awesome Covers of Songs

    RE: Awesome Covers of Songs I recently discovered UB40 done a a lot of cover songs, to my surprise Red Red wine was one. Personally one of my favourite songs.
  15. S

    Last post wins!

    Simple and fun! The very last person to post in this thread wins! reply as many times as you want, this can get competitive! :) But suppose if no one posts, I've won!