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Recent content by Sincerem11

  1. Sincerem11

    What's your favorite Xbox exclusive game trailer?

    The trailer for sea of thieves was amazing and the game too lived up to the expectation of fans.
  2. Sincerem11

    Death Stranding on Gamepass

    I have heard about death stranding but I haven't played it though. My buddy always talks about it and I think I might be convinced to try it out as well.
  3. Sincerem11

    Halo 6:Infinite Next Gen Series X Console Release Coming Soon

    I have played halo wars 2 Awakening and it was fun but I am not a really big fan of halo though. I might still get into Halo games but that's unlikely.
  4. Sincerem11

    Would you like call of duty to be an Xbox exclusive?

    I wouldn't appreciate that at all, since some call of duty fans still play Call of duty on other platforms. Though I Know other previous release would still be available on other platforms for fans to play.
  5. Sincerem11

    Do you get to keep games after the Xbox game pass expires?

    I don't have an Xbox game pass at the moment because I don't have an Xbox Console at the moment. I am playing on getting the Xbox series X Console this year.
  6. Sincerem11

    Microsoft Flight Simulator

    I actually used the Microsoft flight simulator once and I have used it ever since. It was fun to play but quite technical as well.
  7. Sincerem11

    What colour would you like Xbox Series X?

    Preferably black, I don't like having my consoles in white or any other colors.
  8. Sincerem11

    Did any game made you choose having Xbox console?

    When I got my first Xbox one it was given to me as a gift as the time I still had the PlayStation 2. I didn't go for the Xbox because of any of its exclusives.
  9. Sincerem11

    Are there any Xbox exclusives worth playing now?

    Elder scrolls is a good exclusive on Xbox, I play it a few times on my friend's Xbox series X a few weeks ago.
  10. Sincerem11

    Which Xbox console did you skip?

    I think I have only ever use the Xbox one and I don't game too frequently on Xbox because I own a PlayStation 4.
  11. Sincerem11

    What confuses you about Christianity?

    Nothing because the more we try to understand how certain supernatural thing how the more confused we get. But with the help of the Grand Creator you can actually get an incite into the things of the spirit.
  12. Sincerem11

    Do you believe in history repeats itself?

    Coincidence do Happen and we can actually see history repeating itself sometimes.
  13. Sincerem11


    I believe in Angels, I believe in the existence of supernatural beings way power than us and existing in their own space or Time.
  14. Sincerem11

    Does isolation for big powers work these days?

    These leaders all have their reasons for making different laws but taking innocent lives to achieve a particular cause isn't right.
  15. Sincerem11

    Similarity between Gods of different religion

    They are need to be worshipped and respected by their followers.