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Martinsx's latest activity

  • Martinsx
    Martinsx replied to the thread What's Your Favorite Dinosaur?.
    Honestly, I don't know anything about dinosaurs. It is only once or twice that I've seen dinosaur movie and I can still remember T-Rex...
  • Martinsx
    Martinsx replied to the thread Early or late to bed?.
    If you are not feeling sleepy it is very important for you to convert such time into being productive with it than simply just sitting...
  • Martinsx
    Martinsx replied to the thread What made you smile today?.
    It is always a very good feeling when you meet your relatives after not being in contact for a very long time. I'm very happy for still...
  • Martinsx
    Martinsx replied to the thread What is fashion to you?.
    It is mostly wears that I regard as fashion because that is the first thing that will always capture people's attention whenever you...
  • Martinsx
    Martinsx replied to the thread Running.
    Running is a very good exercise which is also big enough friendly someone who is struggling getting into working out should start...
  • Martinsx
    My general view about life is that you should always try and be happy and take things easily because trying to do everything at once is...
  • Martinsx
    It is only when what I have to do cannot be carried out using a smartphone that I will take it to my laptop or my desktop computer.
  • Martinsx
    Free WiFi or not, I always make use of VPN. It does so much good for me especially with helping guard my online privacy. Users...
  • Martinsx
    If they are cross breeding it to have a hybrid and a dangerous specie, I'm not in support of it because that's going to be life threatening.
  • Martinsx
    Martinsx replied to the thread What's the last drink you had?.
    Black bullet was the last drink I had. I was thirst for alcoholic beverage but I didn't want to take beer. Black bullet was the best...
  • Martinsx
    I always spend my new year's eve in the church. I do my cross over into the new year in the presence of God. It's like a tradition for me.
  • Martinsx
    Any movie which is very interesting is capable of keeping me awake all night until I'm done with watching it. I recently watched Sandman...
  • Martinsx
    Martinsx replied to the thread Anyone watch Game of Thrones?.
    Game of Thrones is among the biggest TV now like Breaking Bad. I've seen all the 8 seasons of the show. The ending of the show sucked a...
  • Martinsx
    Martinsx replied to the thread Shows you are waiting for.
    The Last of Us season 2 Halo TV shows season 3 Shogun season 2 These are the 3 TV shows I'm currently watching for them to be out...
  • Martinsx
    Martinsx replied to the thread Lucifer.
    I haven't watched a single episode in this TV show and I don't think I would be doing so. From what I saw in the trailer, it looked like...