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Recent content by Laifot

  1. Laifot

    Welcome to our lovely board! :D

    Welcome to our lovely board! :D
  2. Laifot

    Share Your Most Outrageous Public Outfit

    Thanks! but it wasn't that great. Maybe (just maybe) someday i'll come back and do it right haha!
  3. Laifot

    Do you smoke?

    I smoke in special occasions, when i'm drinking with friends but not every time. I dislike the smell but not all cigarettes smell the same.
  4. Laifot

    What are you listening to?

    Preparing for the final gig in November. :)
  5. Laifot

    New MyCafeTalk goal. Can we reach 50,000 posts?

    Absolutely possible. Let the posting begin! :D
  6. Laifot

    Share Your Most Outrageous Public Outfit

    I rocked the outfit that my avatar is wearing right now lol, it was fun back then. But past is past and i'm done cosplaying :P
  7. Laifot

    Best Keyboards and Mice for Productivity or Gaming

    I was always a fan of Steelseries mices. As for keyboards, the only ones that work for me are the logitechs.
  8. Laifot

    Whats a good cloud storage site?

    AWS is a solid option, also a few costumers use chinese cloud storages for their SaaS softwares.
  9. Laifot

    What do you do when been stared at?

    I don't really care. But my gf doesn't like it when people stare at me lol
  10. Laifot

    Have you ever had a game gifted to you?

    That was an expensive title back then. The most expensive game i have ever got was this majora's mask 3d version for the nintendo 3ds. Up to this day, it's my favorite game of all time.
  11. Laifot

    Have you ever had a game gifted to you?

    My brother gifted me Carmageddon 2 for my birthday, i didn't expect that!
  12. Laifot

    Free or Premium Software?

    There are several POVs over this particular thread, i might add that talking about office tools like Microsoft Office, it's hard for me to replace it over an Open Source product, i was raised with it and probably gonna die using it, i'm not closed to learn other things, but i find easier to...
  13. Laifot


    Welcome to the site, it's great to see people joining our community! :) 
  14. Laifot

    What anime are you keen to see return?

    Actually violent shows were quite popular back in the days.. trigun, cowboy bebop, samurai x, boogiepop phantom and fist of the northern star just to name a few..
  15. Laifot

    My PS5 Delayed

    I think after a deep time thinking that the XBOX is the best call right now.