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  • hey I mainly wanted the landing page because I like to put announcement neatly where people can see it and the discord server. It's really appealing to me to have extra widgets too. Plus google likes it when you display your content for people to be able to see. The first thing someone does when they come to a site is look at what's on the page. It attracts users to look further into what were about. But you are doing a fantastic job as moderator and I want to applaud you. #LongLiveMindPiff
    Congrats on the ratings award Andox88
    Thank you!
    yeah I also gave you the bright idea award i just made for your feedback. Currently working on the avatar visitor menu manage awards link. It might not work for now
    you can sort awards via your profile
    Its proven very mom being a single you when difficult are a no male and have young kids. ;)

    My eyes hurt... the profile pics on this thread have a resolution of like 72p, and my eyes aren't liking it.

    Rip my eyes... birth - now. They were brave men... viewing screens late at night, not caring about their own safety...
    I'm working on fixing that. Not sure why it does that as it's only on profile pics but it should be fixed soon.
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