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How much do you spend on games?

Ja sa bong

Feb 2, 2022
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Do you have any specific budget for your video games or do you just buy games whenever you want especially if they are games that you love?

I don't spend more than $300 on games every year.
RE: How much do you spend on games?

Maybe $65 once every few months. Sometimes more at one time at different time periods.
RE: How much do you spend on games?

Too much honestly. But I love gaming!
RE: How much do you spend on games?

It was in 2019 that I spent a lot of money on playing video game which was Fortnite. I was addicted to the game at that time that I kept spending till I had nothing left to spend on it.
RE: How much do you spend on games?

Too much honestly. But I love gaming!
Yeah, that's the challenge which most of us lovers of games face all the time. With so many video games to purchase, it makes it difficult to spend less.
RE: How much do you spend on games?

I play free games most of the time and don't like spending money on any game. I would say it is because of the limited resources that I have.
It depends on how big my budget is for my games in a particular year. Some year, it might be $200 while some, it would be $300.

Although there was a year I spent just $100.
I don't spend much though unless I am getting a new console or an additional gaming gadget like a new headset, gaming or something I want to add to my gaming room to spice it up.
I spend as much as 200$ on video games on a yearly basis , this figure isn't accurate because in some year I could spend higher than that.

This also includes the one I spend on gifting video games to friends and family.
I don't spend too much money on video games. I try and manage to keep my spending on games at $150 every year.
I have not spent more than $500 total on any game. I see no need for such even when there are urges to buy some of those games.
I spend about $300 on games every year. It was only in 2018 that I spent $400 on my games which was only once.
If I had more money, I would spend it on my video games freely. But things aren't like I wanted it. I spend $100- $300 on my games.
I don't really know because each year my spendings on video games aren't really consistent.

But on an average I spend at $150 on video games yearly.
I will never exceed spending more than $200 on games that I'm going to buy in one year. Do I have the time to play them all?
Sincerem11 said:
I don't really know because each year my spendings on video games aren't really consistent.

But on an average I spend at $150 on video games yearly.
$150 is still a very good amount of money to spend on video games in a year if you ask for my opinion on that.
I don't have a specific budget for games. I buy games if I have spare money. I recently bought two games and spent $90
In terms of buying new games, I would say I spend around £100 a year and sometimes not even that depending on the games that are released that I have an interest in.

I would say I spend more on in-game purchases such as for battle passes on games like Fortnite.
I'd say about $150 - $200 per year, at most. I tend to get a lot of free keys from my gamer friends, bundles and giveaways. Most of my money is needed for handling real-life issues.