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Do you like subtitles?

Ja sa bong

Feb 2, 2022
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I enjoy making use of subtitles whenever I'm watching any movie. It helps me to focus very well when watching the movie.

I love Korean movies and it's how I fell in love with using subtitles in movies.
RE: Do you like subtitles?

I don't use subtitles when watching English movies. They are just a big distraction for my eyes.

I only like subtitles when I'm watching movies that are not produced in English language.
RE: Do you like subtitles?

I like using subtitles in the movies that I watch. If I miss out on the conversation, it helps me to keep up. It makes it easy for me to to pick up new vocabulary.
RE: Do you like subtitles?

I enjoy seeing subtitles when the language of the movie or song isn't clear to me. It comes good if the movie is a foreign language that I don't hear, subtitle in my own preferred language is a perfect option in that regard.
RE: Do you like subtitles?

They are always very helpful whenever you're watching movies that are not in English language. It's the main reason why the are used. I like using it.
RE: Do you like subtitles?

Subtitles are always very good in movies which is why I enjoy making use of it because it helps me to learn different vocabularies that I don't know how to spell.
RE: Do you like subtitles?

I don't use subtitles when watching English movies. They are just a big distraction for my eyes.I only like subtitles when I'm watching movies that are not produced in English language.
I make use of them in both English language movies. I don't see the reason why I shouldn't. I can decide to read it when watching or totally ignore it.
RE: Do you like subtitles?

I like subtitles only in movies and shows that are in languages that I don't comprehend. I don't like subtitles in the movies and shows in the language that I understad
RE: Do you like subtitles?

Subtitles are helpful in DIY videos than movies, but those who doesn't know language, they can watch the movie. In YouTube just a button to view subtitles, so making this thing you will be on a win win situation.

What software do you use for writing Subtitles?
RE: Do you like subtitles?

I don't have any software that I use specifically for subtitles. I simply download it from the video player that I use to watch the movies.
RE: Do you like subtitles?

Ja sa bong1662880152 said:
I don't have any software that I use specifically for subtitles. I simply download it from the video player that I use to watch the movies.
How does it work because I struggle most times when I try to make use of this method.
Anachiwo said:
RE: Do you like subtitles?

I like using subtitles in the movies that I watch. If I miss out on the conversation, it helps me to keep up. It makes it easy for me to to pick up new vocabulary.
Yes, they help you to focus more on the movie since your eyes would be glued on the TV in order to read them.
Martins said:
Yes, they help you to focus more on the movie since your eyes would be glued on the TV in order to read them.
Nothing is wrong with that, if you ask me. I believe the eyes can keep track of both at that particular moment.
There's no way you can watch a movie that's not in English without using subtitles unless you understand the language used in it.
Henrywrites said:
RE: Do you like subtitles?

How does it work because I struggle most times when I try to make use of this method.
Which video player do you make use of when watching movies with either your smartphone or laptop?
Almost all of the movies and TV series that I watch have subtitles in it. I'm so used to having it in movies I watch.
I don't like or hate having subtitles in movies. As long as I can understand the language used in the movie, if there's no subtitles in it, I'm good. 
I don't like or hate having subtitles in movies. As long as I can understand the language used in the movie, if there's no subtitles in it, I'm good.
I believe that it is as a result of language barriers that subtitles have been used to make movies which are not in English language. This is so that other people can actually watch and understand the movies.
I only use subtitles on movies with poor quality audio or movies where people speak poor English and are hard to understand. Other than that, I keep subtitles off.
It is very rare I use subtitles and only usually if I need to due to not being able to hear the show I am watching clear enough.